Today’s Camelizer updates are pretty much entirely the result of user feedback here on our blog.  Thank you all for helping us make it Super Deluxe!  Some of the changes were global (made to both browser extensions) while others were unique to each browser, so let’s start with the global changes and move on from there. By the way, both download links were virus scanned before uploading and nothing was found. Changes made to both Firefox and Chrome versions of the Camelizer

  • Clicking the chart no longer opens a new (background) tab to the product page on our site.  This functionality has been replaced with a link below the chart, which opens in a new (foreground) tab, and should result in fewer errant clicks / duplicate tabs.  The text of this link will change randomly as we attempt to choose the best and most succinct way of describing what it does (takes you to the product page on our site); please leave your thoughts in the blog comments or in our forum.
  • There is now a “Leave feedback” link beneath the chart as well which connects you to our Contact page.  Please use it to report bugs, request features, or just to chat with me about Camel farming in general.

The Camelizer for Chrome

This is one of your ideas.  Instead of our little Camel icon showing up on every website you visit, it now appears – inside the address bar rather than in the toolbar – only on the domains of the retailers we cover.  Should we go even further and make the icon appear only on product pages?  I can imagine arguments for both options but would really appreciate some user feedback. Install The Camelizer v1.3a2 for Google ChromeThe Camelizer for Firefox

  • Added ‘x’ close button on the right side of the chart.  Click this and the Camelizer pane disappears.
  • Switching to an unsupported tab will make the Camelizer hide itself.  Similarly, switching back to a tab which formerly had an open Camelizer pane will cause the pane to open.  Please let me know if this is annoying / doesn’t work as intended; it should be staying out of your way!

Remember that the Camel icon in the Firefox toolbar isn’t enabled by default.  Right click on the toolbar and click “Customize” to add it to your toolbar. Install The Camelizer v1.3a2 for Mozilla Firefox Again, please post your feedback about these releases here in the blog comments or in our forum.  We care what you think and appreciate when you take the time to share your thoughts. Happy Camelizering!